the great commission

the great commission
"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

February 25, 2011

Power in the Holy Spirit

Yesterday in my AP Biology class Dr. Dodd was debating with a student about gun laws and 2nd amendment stuff, as we were about to start notes someone brought up the subject of abortion. When Dr. Dodd was stating his position is was very obvious that he is pro-life and as the debate continued it turned into an evolution discussion. I remember and know in my head what the truth is from going through Biblical World View class/ the Truth Project, but I don't know how to say it. After the bell rang he called me over to him, he told me to speak up in those times, and that the argument coming from me would mean more to the student than it does coming from him. I told him that I know it in my head but don't know how to say it. He then shot back at me saying, "the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak; Be bold!" I had been bringing my Bible to school since Monday and he asked about it a couple times so I think he knows that I am a believer and I know he is because of some of the attitudes he has expressed earlier in the year. It has been encouraging and challenging to me to really stand up and speak what I know and the Holy Spirit will give me the rest.

February 20, 2011

Salvation x 2

Last night the Lord was really revealing selfishness and disobedience in my life and how that I need to lay it down and repent. The Lord told me that my time is not my own, I need to do what the Lord wants me to do not whatever I feel like doing. After youth I sensed the Lord telling me to invite Joseph Donovan to church the next day. I called him and asked him what he was doing for church, as it turns out  he wasn't doing anything so I invited him. Calling him was a step of obedience by listening to the Holy Spirit.
I have history with Joseph, in fact this last week he was really opening up and telling me how he wanted more than what he was getting from World Outreach. So now he is getting solid food.
The service today was really strong, Robby spoke about the Holy Spirit and at the middle of the service there was a call to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, Joseph responded. He rededicated his life to the Lord and was filled with power. After service I bought him a Daily Life Journal and taught him how to use it. He will be coming regularly to Discipleship Small Group with Disciple's Handbook and I will be picking him up for youth group on Saturdays. I am so pumped!
That's not all, Anthony received the Lord today! God is so good! So far I am 2 up: Dakwan and Joseph. I've been praying for Anthony, so God has answered my prayers! Thank You Lord for Salvation..

January 8, 2011

FCA small groups: Vision for 2011

In FCA since about November '10 I have been leading a small group of about 8-10 guys. I have some soccer, wrestling, cross country, swimmer, and non-sport guys in the group with me. Since we have started small groups we have come a long way from the guys just hitting the surface of our discussions to now really being vulnerable and honest with the group. It has been difficult for me to lead this small group in a direction when the FCA president gives us passive surfacy topics for discussion. Sometimes in small group I just share with them what the Lord has been doing and showing me in my life through my reading, what I have been learning at church, or WORD group with Mr. Chmiel. I want the men in my small group to be convicted by what I am speaking but I want the Holy Spirit to do that through me. I want these guys to own their faith and say to me and others, "This is what I believe..." I want to challenge them with questions from the God Test, I want them to know what they believe, to tell others what they believe, and to live their life the way they believe. Their life must reflect what hey believe inside and outside school. I am believing that in this next semester that the Lord will use me to really challenge them and make them really think and ponder what they believe.

November 22, 2010

Live It

Today I asked one of my friends who attends FCA regularly with me if he is a Christian. I have asked him this before and he gave me the same response. I told him quite boldly that even though he claims to be a ChristianI never see him act like one. From the way he talks with and about girls, and his potty mouth it's quite obvious he has no relationship with Christ. He told me he is Catholic and blamed them for making him who he is. I just wanted to know if he knew that he was living a double lifestyle. He said he knew that and he wanted to talk about it more. I am glad that I spoke out in boldness questioning what he believes and I pray that I will be able to share the gospel with him very soon in FCA. When you say one thing do it, don't be double faced and live in hypocrisy. When you know what is right and don't do it, it is a sin.

November 21, 2010


As I am a senior, I am aging and will eventually graduate from school and youth group. What kind of legacy am I leaving behind? Who am I bringing up behind me? Titus 2:6 states that as a leader I must encourage the young men to live wisely by living the example. Sometimes I ask myself, am I consistent? Some times at school I feel I joke around too much or am too lighthearted, I still want to maintain a focused mindset on my studies but also be able to have fun with the relationships I am in at school. I must make sue that even when I am at school to encourage and challenge the other believers around me, and non-believers to live wisely and to see the sin in their life for what it is.

November 16, 2010

Putting first things first

Yesterday in FCA we had small groups. I took charge of my group of Dakwan, Michael, Chris, and Brandon. The topic of the small group time was about priorites, there was some good feedback from the guys and i know i stressed the imortance of our relationship with God. As I was listening to the Holy Spirit he gave me some other questions to ask along with the initial discussion question. I also remembered a PD quote:"If you don't put first things first and do secondary things then you won't get either of the tasks done." At the end of our time I encouraged my guys to really remain focused in what their priorities are, which as a group our priorities are:
                                                 1. Relationship with God
                                                 2. School
                                                 3. Family/friends (relationships)
I encouraged my guys to not be distracted but to lay aside the distractions and focus on running the race to get the prize.

November 14, 2010

Lifegroup Invites pt. 2

WOW..Where do I start.. First off tonight, Uturn Lifegroup was really good and Adam did a great job leading the mens small group time. When I first picked up Dakwan his grandma came out to my car and said, "Let me hold your hand," then looking into my eyes she thanked my for taking him to youth group and that she has been praying for him and that I am an answer to prayer. well tonight Dakwan rededicated his life to the Lord. He realized that he was not where he needs to be and he knows that he need to get plugged in to the church. I was able to pray with him while Adam led him to rededicate his life. It is so awesome that he has come to this point in his life. I was talking with him in the car when I took him home and shared my story with him and encouraged him with the decisions he made tonight. I hope to be able to watch him grow as well as teach him and mentor him. God is Good! Dakwan is rededicated to Christ, never to come away.

November 13, 2010

Lifegroup Invites

I am so excited. My family is hosting Uturn Lifegroup at my house and this is perfect because it is really easy for me to invite my friends to a Bible study that is not 45 min. away in Brentwood. Yesterday Kelsey Shockey called me asking about if Adam Kinder and I could head worship for Lifegroup I agreed, and then Kelsey told me to invite all my friends and tell Sarah and Anthony to do the same. What I think was the Holy Spirit was, because He was placing specific people on my heart and I knew that I needed to invite them. So I called Nick Ferran and Dakwan Balfour and they are both not doing anything tonight and I will be picking up Dakwan at 5:30 and I am so excited about Nick coming to get a taste of what I am taught. I was also able to get through to Scott and he said that he will be coming tonight as well! God is good! And besides being able to invite my friends God is continually healing by body from a virus I have had for now 3 days, God is my healer.

November 2, 2010

God is moving in FCA

On October 26th in FCA I journaled this in my DLJ but did not have time to post it on my blog, so here it is. In FCA Jeremy Fuller (the FCA student leader) told everyone that we were going to have small groups, so in my group I got Michael Baily, Dakwan Balfour, and Kyle Reece. To start off the time, since I already know what they say they believe, I asked each of them to share with me when they became a Christian. After all of them shared I was able to give my testimony and I make myself available if they had any questions about being a Christ-follower. After asking them that we jumped right into the small group question, and their attentive feedback and honesty was amazing. I am so exited that I am sharing the gospel with people and using my testimony as an example of Gods grace and loving kindness. The boys I shared with were receptive to my words, and I hope they will remember the teachings in FCA and the small group times. Got is good and I am excited about even greater opportunities that God would give me!

September 23, 2010

See you at the Pole

Wow! God is good! Yesterday playing at see you at the pole went really well I played with Mrs. Rich singing. At first there was just a couple of FCA kids but within minutes there was like maybe 100 or so students there. The time of worship was really good we played Mighty to Save and How Great is our God. The response in worship was amazing many believers unashamedly raised their hands in adoration and worship to the Lord. A youth pastor from one of the girls churches in FCA spoke, he spoke on how that we may be the only Jesus to kids at our school. As Christians we must not be of this world we must reflect and be Jesus to all our friends, believers and nonbelievers. I am excited for what God is gong to do through FCA this year, and more through the body of believers at Riverdale High School. I actually had an opportunity today to connect with a couple of boys that attended see you at the pole and they said that what the man said was really good and true in their own lives. So hopefully I will be able to talk with these boys some more about where they are at spiritually.